

- Sourceforge Page
- Blender3D
- Legends: The Game
- Planet Penguin Racer

November 4, 2006: Version 0.3.2 released

May 23, 2006: Examples on website

There haven't been any new releases for mesh2hmap lately because I've been busy using mesh2hmap...which is a good thing because that's what it's there for. I've put some examples up on the examples page. Currently there's just two examples and both are maps made for Legends: The Game, so you'll need to install the game to see the maps. Some screenshots and heightmaps are available on the examples page though.

May 6, 2006: Version 0.3.1 released

April 19, 2006: Version 0.3 released

April 2, 2006: Version 0.2 released

March 28, 2006: Version 0.1.2 released

March 24, 2006: Version 0.1.1 released

This is the first release of mesh2hmap made available on Sourceforge. Only minor documentation changes from version 0.1